Welcome to the dawn of the Second Atomic Age We build nuclear reactors that fit in your garage, and can power anything from a small datacenter to a large city. Our mission is to achieve 3¢ / kWh electricity. Our first product will be the Aalo-1, a 10 MWe reactor inspired by INL’s MARVEL. We've raised $33M to help us get started
Meet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the VisionariesMeet the Visionaries